Egzoticne i vrlo opasne bolesti

Started by Vampire 666, 12-06-2006, 10:52:29

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Vampire 666

        Loa loa filariasis (also loiasis and African eyeworm) is a skin and eye disease caused by the nematode worm, loa loa filaria. Humans contract this disease through the bite of a horsefly, also known as mango fly. The deer fly is also a vector of Loa loa. The disease can cause red itchy swellings below the skin called "Calabar swellings". The disease is treated with the drug diethylcarbamazine (DEC).

Human loiasis geographical distribution is restricted to the rain forest and swamp forest areas of West Africa, being especially common in Cameroon and on the Ogowe River. Humans are the only known natural reservoir. It is estimated that 2-13 million humans are infected with the Loa loa larvae.

Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) (C10H21N3O) is an anthelmintic drug that does not resemble other antiparasitic compounds. It is a synthetic organic compound which is highly specific for several parasites and does not contain any toxic metallic elements. DEC is indicated for treatment of individual patients with certain filarial diseases. These diseases include: lymphatic filariasis caused by infection with Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, or Brugia timori; tropical pulmonary eosinophilia; and loiasis. DEC continues to be the mainstay for treatment of patients with lymphatic filariasis and loiasis. DEC is also used in the treatment of dog heart worm Dirofilaria immitis.

..mrzelo me je da prevodim...ali valjda znate engleski...                                                                             preuzeto sa Wikipedije


Nemoj samo sliku oka iz kog vade crva i sve je OK! ;)))))))))))))


Opasnost od botulizma
| Izvor: Blic
Beograd -- Od retke bolesti trovanja hranom – botulizma, ovog leta u Srbiji obolele su tri osobe, pi¹e Blic.

Botulizam je bolest koju uzrokuje bakterija iz neispravnih konzervi, su¹enog mesa i nedovoljno opranog povræa. Neophodno je da se bolest ¹to pre otkrije, kao bi se zapoèelo leèenje. U suprotnom, dolazi do smrti za veoma kratko vreme.

U Srbiji se godi¹nje bele¾i oko 10 sluèajeva botulizma, a uèestalost te bolesti veæa je zimi jer se jede vi¹e konzervirane hrane.

Reè je o te¹kom trovanju hranom koje poèinje malaksalo¹æu i glavoboljom, a ponekad je praæeno povraæanjem i dijarejom. Uzroènik bolesti je bakterija Clostridium botulinum, koja preko fekalija ¾ivotinja dolazi u spoljnu sredinu, gde obrazuje spore i kontaminira meso, ribu, voæe i povræe.
