Melasa & domaca radinost :)

Started by *, 25-10-2007, 22:46:45

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Ovako, imam jedno pitanje za profesora...

Interesuje me kako mogu da napravim melasu za neke moje prijatelje koji imaju nargile i potrebna im je da bi povezala voce, odnosno aromu. Inace, puse je bez duvana, ne znam da li to ima neke veze :hm
Secam se da smo pominjali melasu na farmakognoziji, ali mislim da je nismo pravili na vezbama, pa me interesuje da li postoji neki odredjeni postupak po kome se ona pravi...

Hvala unapred  :wink:


ja koliko znam ima je u smedjem seceru,bar tako kazu(da je u njemu ostala ovojnica melase),mada sma cula da je smedji secer u stvari beli sa dodatom melasom..

btw,odakle ti secerna trska?
ja koliko znam,a malo znam...
secerna trska se sece na komade,pa se presuje nekim valjkovima cime se sok odvaja od vlakana,
pa se zatim necistoce odvajaju u nekim kazanima(valjda sa krecom),i onda se valjda centrifugira i dobije se gusta tecna masa,koja se razredjuje i dodatkom kvasca fermentuje

to je postupak koji ja znam...ako to uspes,ajde javi,jer imam i ja nargile... :>

a btw,
mislim da moze da se kupi vec duvan za nargile po Inida shopovima(bez duvana naravno...nego samo aromatizovana smesa cega vec=ne znam)

javi sta si uradila,pa da se zajedno nargilisemo!! :wink:


imas nargile i ja to slucajno saznajem  :K

Smrda imam,
samo nemam sa scime da ih iskoristim,...
ako imas predlog....ja sam za...
a i DJ je...vidis da ce da nam napravi melasu!!! :smekerica:


Cane molasses

Sulphured molasses is made from young green sugar cane and is treated with sulfur dioxide, which acts as a preservative, during the sugar extraction process. The sugar cane plant is harvested and stripped of its leaves. Its juice is then extracted from the canes, usually by crushing or mashing. The juice is boiled to concentrate and to promote the crystallization of the sugar. The results of this first boiling and removal of sugar crystal is first molasses, which has the highest sugar content because comparatively little sugar has been extracted from the juice. Second molasses is created from a second boiling and sugar extraction, and has a slight bitter tinge to its taste.

The third boiling of the sugar syrup gives blackstrap molasses. The majority of sucrose from the original juice has been crystallized but blackstrap molasses is still mostly sugar by calories; however, unlike refined sugars, it contains significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. Blackstrap molasses is a source of calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. One tablespoon provides up to 20 percent of the daily value of each of those nutrients. Blackstrap is often sold as a health supplement, as well as being used in the manufacture of cattle feed, and for other industrial uses.

Sugar beet molasses

Molasses that comes from the sugar beet is different from cane molasses. Only the syrup left from the final crystallisation stage is called molasses; intermediate syrups are referred to as high green and low green and these are recycled within the crystallisation plant to maximise extraction. Beet molasses is about 50% sugar by dry weight, predominantly sucrose but also containing significant amounts of glucose and fructose. Beet molasses is limited in biotin (Vitamin H or B7) for cell growth, hence it may need to be supplemented with a biotin source. The non-sugar content includes many salts such as calcium, potassium, oxalate and chloride. These are either as a result of concentration from the original plant material or as a result of chemicals used in the processing. As such, it is unpalatable and is mainly used as an additive to animal feed (called "molassed sugar beet feed") or as a fermentation feedstock.

It is possible to extract additional sugar from beet molasses through a process known as molasses desugarisation. This technique exploits industrial scale chromatography to separate sucrose from non-sugar components. The technique is economically viable in trade protected areas where the price of sugar is supported above the world market price. As such it is practised in the US and parts of Europe.


Cane molasses is a common ingredient in baking, often used in baked goods such as gingerbread cookies. There are a number of substitutions that can be made for molasses;
For a cup of molasses the following may be used (with varying degrees of success):
1 cup honey,
or 3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar, (dakle, smedji secer)
or 1 cup dark corn syrup, (tamni sirup kukuruza)
1 cup granulated sugar with 1/4 cup water, (granulirani secer)
or 1 cup pure maple syrup. (cist sirup javora)

To sam nasla...
Al' sto rece Smrda tesko da cemo naci secernu trsku, ali mozda nadjem sve komponente ove zamene...
Znam da ima sve to da se kupi na izvol'te, al' me interesuje moze li neka varijanta home made-a... Jesmo li mi farmaceuti ili ne? :K


evo jos jedne zamene:
Pomegranate molasses

8 cups pomegranate juice
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice

heat pomegranate juice, sugar, and lemon juice to a medium heat. Allow to cook for 45 minutes to 1 hour, until a thick molasses consistency.

Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a month.

ali ne znam da li je sad to ta melasa, jer se pominje da je ova za kuvanje, odnosno za ishranu, ali mozda moze da posluzi za nargile, s obzirom da je ovaj recept najjednostavniji :hm


hmm...prvi put cujem...
ali zvuci zanimljivo,
ajde probaj,
pa javi,ako se ne otrujes... :>


Pa, pomegranate znaci nar ili sipak...

A, koliko sam mogla da vidim, cini mi se da je ovaj prvi recept vernija kopija melase, ali ovaj drugi je jednostavniji za domacu radinost, ali cu probati oba verovatno, jer pretpostavljam da se sastojci za sve ovo mogu naci u prodavnicama zdrave ishrane :hm



Nisam imala vremena da probam, ali su oni nabavili melasu od secerne repe, ne znam odakle i to u ogromnim kolicinama ( :K), tako da cemo poceti da pravimo one mesavine za nargile, bez duvana, sa vocem...
Bar nesto da probamo :K