Austrijska banka podataka za stipendije i unapredjivanje istrazivanja

Started by zoe, 31-08-2007, 13:53:11

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The Austrian database for scholarships and research grants is the most comprehensive online database in Austria concerning all research areas. Inner-Austrian grant options for students, graduates and researchers as well as incoming (to Austria) and outgoing (from Austria to ...) grants are offered in this database. Moreover, research allowances, prizes and other funding opportunities can be found. Information is given including details of application conditions (application deadline and place) as well as on duration, allocation and financing of each grant. The continuous updating of the database is undertaken both by the Austrian Exchange Service (ÖAD) and directly by grant-awarding institutions, which guarantees up to dateness of the data.
This bilingual database has been financed by funds of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research and the EU.

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