Piktogrami u farmaciji - budite deo kreacije!!!

Started by Natasa, 18-07-2007, 18:59:03

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....preuzela sam od IPSF-a...bilo bi super da sto veci broj nas ovo popuni...kratko je i interesantno...

Further to the ongoing design and development of culture-specific pictograms to label medications, we would like to invite you to participate in an online survey on Pictograms.  Additionally, we would appreciate you forwarding the survey onto your colleagues, members of affiliated associations and other interested individuals, as you deem appropriate.

The goal of this survey is to validate the understanding and perception of these pictograms and assess its usability in different cultural environments.

Background information about the FIP Pictogram project can be found on:

Thank you for taking the time to make this project a success!
Sent on behalf of:

Régis Vaillancourt, OMM, CD, B.Pharm, Pharm D, FCSHP
FIP Military and Emergency Pharmacy Services Section President
Director of Pharmacy/Directeur de la Pharmacie
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Centre hospitalier pour enfants de l'est de l'Ontario
401 Chemin Smyth Road
Ottawa, ON  K1H 8L1
Tel/tél: (613) 737-7600 Ext. 2231
Fax/téléc: (613) 738-4206
Jane Dawson
FIP Military and Emergency Pharmacy Services Section Secretary
Defense Pharmacist
New Zealand Defense Force
Directorate of Medical Policy, HQNZDF



Fenomenalna ideja!  :Bog
Tek sam na praxi u apoteci videla koliko ima nepismenih ljudi oko nas, mislim da bi ovo stvarno bilo korisno  :cvet
