Hitno! Bebi potrebna transfuzija krvi!

Started by Masha, 03-10-2007, 02:17:13

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Dear colleagues,

please see email below.

Help is needed and if you can help please contact [email protected]

Best regards,


The wife of one of my colleagues at ProCredit Bank gave birth to a baby girl two weeks ago. The baby girl has a blocked gene that is normally producing thrombosis in the blood. This means the baby needs blood transfusions twice a week. The doctors want to wait (a few more weeks?) before operating so until then we have to try to find enough donors which is extremely difficult since the baby girl has blood type AB negative.

Over the last two weeks we found donors within our organization and via Hypo Alpe Adria bank and Lux taxi but the people that gave blood cannot give again before February, they are not allowed. So we are getting desperate. We are organizing support actions and looking for opportunities to go public but that all takes time and for this coming Monday we do not have blood for the baby.

The baby will need the following quantities of blood the coming weeks:
- Every Monday one unit AB negative and one unit either A negative or B negative;
- Every Thursday one unit of AB negative and two units of either A negative or B negative.

The situation is critical so my question for all of you is the following:
Please ask around in your neighborhood, if you know anyone who is AB-, A- or B-, and who is willing to give blood and is in good health please contact me immediately.

You can call me direct on my mobile 064 20 93 242 or via email at [email protected]

If you would like to help us with spreading the news please let me know as well, we need all the help we can get.

Thank you all very much in advance for any help you can offer.

Kind regards,
Dunja Pagen
+381 64 20 93 242

Dakle, nije tesko razumeti. Bebi staroj dve nedelje potrebna je transfuzija krvi. Potrebne krvne grupe su AB-, A- i B-. Svi koji imaju pomenute krvne grupe, a mogu i zele da daju krv bilo bi lepo da pomognu. Ja sam B- i kontaktiracu ovu gospodju pa cu vam dati dalja uputstva.
Brede, da li bi ovo moglo da se stavi na naslovnu stranu da bude uocljivije da sto vise ljudi vidi, a mozda i pomogne?


Izvinjavam se!! Tema moze da se brise jer je rok istekao. Jos jednom, izvinjenje.