Chondrosulf ili slicno-registrovano u Srbiji

Started by Bred, 05-01-2008, 16:19:56

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Interesuje me da li neko zna ima li neki preparat za obnavljanje hrskavice a da je registrovan u Srbiji, znaci da ima deklaraciju i uputstvo na SRPSKOM??

Koliko ja znam, u prodaji se kod nas nalaze samo ovakvi strani preparati, u obliku kapsula.

Interesuje me koriscenje ovih preparata u lecenju koksartroze (,12154.0.html)

Molim da se jave samo oni koji su upuceni u materiju.  :wink:

Vise o chondrosulfu:

Proven efficacy for the treatment of symptomatic osteoarthritis
Best EULAR recommendations

Chondrosulf is a highly purified chondroitin sulfate pharmaceutical preparation intended for the treatment of osteoarthritis.

The clinical effects of Chondrosulf exert a slow onset, up to 2 weeks, and are then sustained over time, even after the discontinuation of the administration (carry over effect). This clinical behaviour results in the current classification of Chondrosulf as a Symptomatic Slow Acting Drug for OsteoArthritis (SySADOA).

Differently from many food supplements claiming for chondroitin sulfate content, Chondrosulf is a unique pharmaceutical grade preparation and is also the product actually used in almost all the clinical trials with chondroitin published to date. This bulk of clinical information allowed the EULAR, in their “Recommendations 2003”, to rank Chondrosulf at the top for “Level of evidence” (1A) and for “Strength of recommendation” (A).

Thanks to the natural origin of chondroitin sulfate, the side effects of Chondrosulf are very rare, being their frequency in controlled clinical trials overlapping that recorded in the placebo controls.

The wide range of packages in the form of tablets, capsules or granulate in different strengths allows the patients to select the best convenient presentation for an improved compliance to the treatment.

From SySADOA to Structure Modifying OsteoArthritis Drug (SMOAD): a major challenge for IBSA’s R&D

One of the currents major goals of IBSA research and development is the official recognition of the role of Chondrosulf not only as a slow acting symptomatic therapy but also as a structure modifying osteoarthritis drug (SMOAD), i.e. to demonstrate that the long-term, continuous treatment with Chondrosulf may delay the progression of osteoarthritis by decreasing the rate of joint cartilage destruction, which occurs in the natural history of the disease.

Such an effect has been already shown in a long term, randomised, controlled clinical trial (Michel BA et al., Arthritis & Rheumatism 2005; 52(3): 779-786). In this study involving 300 patients, the radiographic-monitored progression of the knee-cartilage destruction over two years was decreased in the Chondrosulf group with statistically significant differences vs. placebo.

Similar results have been recorded in a more recent, larger confirmatory clinical trial that is now close to publication.

The product information included in this web page is intended as a general presentation of the product and should not be used as instruction for use. For full information please consult the summary of product characteristics as approved in your country.

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CHONDROSULF Safety Reports
Total CHONDROSULF reports: 2.
CHONDROSULF FDA safety alerts: No.
   Reported hospitalizations: 2.
Read More Here.

Consumer or non-health professional from FRANCE reported CHONDROSULF problem on Feb 15, 2006. Male patient, 67 years of age, was diagnosed with osteoarthritis, coronary artery disease and was treated with CHONDROSULF. After drug was administered, patient experienced the following problems/side effects: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, balance disorder, defaecation urgency, micturition urgency, neurological eyelid disorder, pseudobulbar palsy, pyramidal tract syndrome, speech disorder. CHONDROSULF dosage: 900 MG. During the same period patient was treated with LODALES, PLAVIX, GRANIONS, TILCOTIL, NEXIUM, COLCHICINE. Patient was hospitalized and became disabled. Patient recovered.

CHONDROSULF problem was reported by a Consumer or non-health professional from FRANCE on Feb 15, 2006. Male patient, 67 years of age, was diagnosed with osteoarthritis, coronary artery disease and was treated with CHONDROSULF. After drug was administered, patient experienced the following problems/side effects: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, balance disorder, defaecation urgency, micturition urgency, neurological eyelid disorder, pseudobulbar palsy, pyramidal tract syndrome, speech disorder. CHONDROSULF dosage: 900 MG. During the same period patient was treated with LODALES, PLAVIX, GRANIONS, TILCOTIL, NEXIUM, COLCHICINE. Patient was hospitalized and became disabled. Patient recovered.

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Jos VEOMA korisnih linkova:
“A new two-year trial with chondroitin 4&6 sulfate (CS)" (
Clinical study to evaluate chondroprotection and tolerability of chondrosulf 800mg oral gel... (
Clinical inquiries. Do glucosamine or chondroitin cause regeneration of cartilage in osteoarthritis? (
