Kako oseltamivir (Tamiflu) deluje protiv virusa H1N1

Started by Bred, 09-12-2009, 18:47:55

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QuoteUpon exposure to the H1N1 virus, the virus' HA will be used to attach itself to receptors containing sialic (neuraminic) acid on the cell surface of the cell targeted for infection (typically respiratory mucosal epithelium).  This H1 interaction with the sialic acid containing cell surface receptors facilitates the fusion between the viral envelope and the cell membrane. In addition to H1's influence on viral fusion, NA may also contribute to the ability of the virus to invade the respiratory tract (lungs) by removing the sialic acid present in mucin, thereby enhancing the virus's pathogenicity.

A second protein, M2, also contributes to the fusion of the viral envelop with the cell membrane.  The M2 protein is an ion channel that aids in the regulation of pH in the endosome created from the fusion thereby permitting the release of the RNA into the cell cytoplasm where it directs synthesis of new viral proteins using the host's machinery.  The M2 protein is the target of amantadine and rimantadine.


Koliko je "tamiflu" delotvoran?
Izvor: Tanjug
London -- "Tamiflu", lek koji se koristi protiv gripa, mogao bi da bude nedelotvoran, pokazalo je istra¾ivanje objavljeno u britanskom medicinskom èasopisu BMJ.

Radi se o analizi 20 klinièkih istra¾ivanja koje je obavila grupa nauènika predvoðena prof. Krisom del Marom s australijskog univerziteta Bond. Istra¾ivanje je pokazalo da bi inhibitori "neuraminidaze", enzima koji poma¾e virusu da se umno¾ava i inficira vi¹e æelija, sadr¾ani u leku "tamiflu" mogli da imaju "skromnu efikasnost" u leèenju simptoma novog gripa.

nastavak -> http://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2009&mm=12&dd=10&nav_category=78&nav_id=397512