prognoze za 2007.

Started by pop, 24-12-2006, 23:54:51

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Sa b92-ojkinog sajta vam prenosim blog James Lyon-a, koji ima odredjene komichne, ali i neke ostvarljive prognoze za 2007. godinu. Eto prilike svim forumasima da navedu neka (ne)realna shaljiva/ozbiljna predvidjanja za narednu godinu.

James Lyon (23 Decembar, 2006 - 04:25)

I have a friend from Bosnia who is very good at predicting the future. She uses beans, coffee cups and tarot cards to look into people's future and see what will happen. She has always been very accurate and almost everything she has predicted has come true. Because of her gift as a seer I have often used her skills professionally, particularly when it comes time to write reports. I decided that we should give the people of Serbia the benefit of our great wisdom and insight and that we should compare our predictions for 2007 and see whose are the most accurate. First are Fata’s predictions. Read below to see what will happen in Serbia in 2007.

Fata’s Predictions:

   1. Dinkiæ and G17+ will be in any government that is formed. Their slogan will be “Expertise After Politics”.
   2. Ceca, in an effort to imitate Pamela Anderson, will undergo successful breast reduction surgery. She will experience difficulty keeping her balance and walking.
   3. Premier Ko¹tunica’s cats will accidentally smother him while he sleeps. The Serbian Orthodox Church will make him a saint and bury his body under the TV Tower on Avala.
   4. Jelena Karleu¹a, in an effort to compete with Ceca, will undergo successful breast and lip reduction surgery. Unable to balance, she will fall over backwards.
   5. Vojislav ©e¹elj will go on an obesity strike, eating until he becomes so large and bloated that it threatens his health. The Hague will order mandatory liposuction.
   6. ®elko Mitroviæ will become intellectual, adding a poetry reading segment to the “Grand Show”, banning women with miniskirts and cleavage, and changing to an all classical format. Ratings will soar as Serbia tunes in to watch.
   7. Velja Iliæ will undergo ego reduction surgery. It will prove unsuccessful.
   8. The Miss Serbia contest will pick the most beautiful woman in Serbia. Really.
   9. President Tadiæ will get some new advisors. They will help him outsmart Ko¹tunica and the DSS.
  10. Olja Beèkoviæ will be voted in to the Serbian Academy of Arts and Science. This will lower the average age of Academy members by 50 years as well as raise the level of intellectual debate.
  11. Carla Del Ponte will admit that Radovan Karad¾iæ is really her secret lover and that she has been helping him hide all these years. Karad¾iæ’s wife will seek a divorce.
  12. Vuk Dra¹koviæ will be voted in to the Big Brother house at the 21 January parliamentary elections. Miki will move in with Danica.
  13. Ratko Mladiæ will surrender to the Hague, heartbroken by the news about Carla and Radovan. He will call Carla a “two-timing floozy” and say “but I love her more than he does…Carla, come back to me”.
  14. The government will begin an anti-gay campaign. Some SRS members will leave the country.
  15. Kurir will change its format to resemble Politika. Readership will increase.







8. The Miss Serbia contest will pick the most beautiful woman in Serbia. Really.

misica nam je uzasna



 6. ®elko Mitroviæ will become intellectual, adding a poetry reading segment to the “Grand Show”, banning women with miniskirts and cleavage, and changing to an all classical format. Ratings will soar as Serbia tunes in to watch.




a sad neke moje prognoze:

1. Kosarkaska reprezentacija Srbije nece nista da uradi na EP u Spaniji jer ce potpuno neocekivano (jer se to nikad do sad nije desilo) vecina igraca da otkaze ucesce na istom

2. Nova uprava FK Partizan ce se cuditi nastavku bojkota navijaca jer je njihov zahtev da iz kluba nikako ne ode Zeka, u potpunosti ispostovan

3. KK Crvena Zvezda ce se opet zaliti da je prvenstvo bilo neregularno

4. Veliki brat 2007. ce biti jos gledaniji od ovogodisnjeg iako ce svi prvih nedelja pricati kako je prvi serijal bio mnoogo bolji. Naravno, Djankarla, Ivana, Dragane i ostalih se niko nece secati, samo ce Miki ponakad evocirati uspomene povremenim pojavljivanjima na reklamama za proizvode namenjenim odraslima

5. Staro zvanje diplomirani izjednacice se sa novim zvanjem master posle dugog prebacivanja odgovornosti sa jedne institucije na drugu i nazad, na veliku zalost osiromashenih fakultetskih kasa

6. Nova Vlada ce objasniti gradjanima Panceva i okoline da je emitovanje raznih gasova u atmosferu u stvari zdravo, jer to sprecava grozno Sunce da svojim zracima izaziva rak koze


6. Nova Vlada ce objasniti gradjanima Panceva i okoline da je emitovanje raznih gasova u atmosferu u stvari zdravo, jer to sprecava grozno Sunce da svojim zracima izaziva rak koze

legendo :Bog


Taman sam hteo da prognoziram i poraze fudbalske reprezentacije Srbije, kad ono - tras! 0:4 od reprezentacije Baskije!? Bruka.