Some things about....

Started by mihajilo, 21-02-2008, 12:45:19

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Some things about Serbia

1. Serbia is one of the oldest nations in Europe. First Serbian kings ruled in 7th century.
2. We Serbs are Christians, not Muslim as claimed by western media.
3. Serbs were only nation that stood against invasion of Turks in 14. century. Europe was blind, for Serbian calls for help. Remember that.
4. Serbs were defending Europe from Turks from 14. to 20. century. When Serbs got their lands and rights for accomplishments in war, Croatians started plotting against them. That is the root of Serbian Croatian conflict.
5. When Serbia finally defeated Turks, and freed Serbian lands that were under Turks for 500 years, Italy, Germany and England created artificial state of Albania to prevent Serbian army reaching the sea. Albanians were living in tribes since than. Also they were in Turkish army.
6. Serbs in first and second world war were on allied side unlike Italy, Germany, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Croatia.
7. Serbs were victims of genocide, in Jasenovac organized by croatian Ustasa organization.
8. People like Nikola Tesla, Mileva Maric, Vlade Divac, Novak Djokovic are Serbs

Some things about Albanians

1. More than half of albanians are drug and weapon dealers.
2. My uncle was Policemen, he was shot in head on Kosovo, he told me, once when they defeated group of albanian terorists, BBC reporter was with them. When he was shooting material for TV, he removed guns, from the bodies of terrorists. After few days same tape was on BBC, claming that Serbs killed civilians.
3. What is the man that burns Church that is 1000 years old? That burns houses, kill young kids, just because they are different religion. That is the things Albanians do to Serbs on Kosovo.
4. Tell me the names of some Albanian scientists or sportists.

Some things about america

1. How many Indians you see in America today. How many Indians early Americans killed? Is that not genocide?
2. America is 200 years old. Serbia is more than 1000 years old.
3. In cold war America constantly spoke of Russia as the enemy of freedom.
Tell me, how many nukes Russia dropped on any free country? How many people Russia killed with their nukes. And America? Remember genocide in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Why American president couldn't just called Japanese high state officials and demonstrated the Power of Nuclear weapon instead of killing civilians? Also the effects of radiation were tested on Mexican soldiers and tribes on pacific ocean.
4. Did you ever landed on the moon?
5. All Americans thinks that only America is cool, and the rest of the world sucks. Whenever you go, you must live American way. Try to learn something about other cultures.
6. Do you really think that wars that your government is leading are about freedom. War is what America always needs, whole American economy is based on War and oil industry.
7. Next time you buy fuel for your car, ask yourself how many civilians died for that fuel.
8. America liberated Iraq from Saddam Husein, but it was also America who put that Saddam in charge for Iraq. Same thing with Afghanistan, Uganda...

There's much more.
So you can stay brainwashed, ignorant, or start seeking real truth.  :shock

Vampire 666

gomila neistina, ruznih generalizacija i izvrtanja cinjenica, zacinjena sa par istinitih stvari...


Kakvi su Srbi necu komentarisati. Svoja mane i vrline znamo , ali da su Albanci poludivlja plemena , sa zakonima krvne osvete stoji i bas me zanima kako ce napraviti tu svoju `drzavu` kad ni Albaniju nisu uspeli da nacine normalnom zemljom za 100 njak godina koliko postoje.

Vampire 666

Quote from: dirigent on 21-02-2008, 19:27:57
Kakvi su Srbi necu komentarisati. Svoja mane i vrline znamo , ali da su Albanci poludivlja plemena , sa zakonima krvne osvete stoji i bas me zanima kako ce napraviti tu svoju `drzavu` kad ni Albaniju nisu uspeli da nacine normalnom zemljom za 100 njak godina koliko postoje.

Sa ovakvim stavom niakda nece doci do pomirenja Srba i Albanaca...


Nije stav no cinjenica potkrepljenja istorijom.

       Ajde dobro reci cu ovako . Oni su visokokulturna prosvecena i demokratski svesna i orijentisana nacija.

       Verovatno da je jedan od ova dva iskaza u ovom i prethodnom postu tacan. Prema tome ako mi nisi dao za pravo prvi , bar me podrzi u drugom.

Vampire 666

Iako je tvoja prva izjava bliza verovatno istini, u politicke pregovore se ne moze ici sa tim stavom, vec sa onim sto si napisao u drugoj poruci...


Slazem se , ali ovaj blog nije diplomatija u rukavicama, vec jedno taksativno nabrajanje nekih opstih stvari koje se manje vise znaju.
    Kad se vodi politika naravno takve formulacije se ne pominju.

Vampire 666

Problem je u tome sto takve stvari pale mase...i onda politicar koji pridje pragmaticno problemu biva automatski proglasen za izdajnika ili stranog placenika...


Pragmatizam mora biti u sluzbi interesa svoje zemlje. Ako treba da poljubim zabu , poljubicu je , ali necu sebi govoriti kako je ona princeza. Ta vrsta mazohizma steti nasim interesima.


Quote from: mihajilo on 21-02-2008, 12:45:19
1. Serbia is one of the oldest nations in Europe. First Serbian kings ruled in 7th century.

Па чак и да смо можда најстарији (мада не видим шта имамо од тога), први српски краљ је био Дукљански монарх Михајло који је негде око 1077. од папе Гргура Седмог примио круну.
Други је био Стефан Првовенчани који је круну 1217. примио од папе Хонорија Трећег.
А у седмом веку нове ере у земљи Рашкој је по повратку "кнеза" Часлава из Бугарске било по непровереним изворима 50!!! људи.

Што се осталог тиче не желим да коментаришем, не занима ме
али историјска је чињеница да су српске стране (земље) у седмом веку биле слабо христијанизоване, иако између Цариграда и Рима (дакле полупаганска-полуварварска територија).


Quote from: Vampire 666 on 21-02-2008, 19:34:11
Quote from: dirigent on 21-02-2008, 19:27:57
Kakvi su Srbi necu komentarisati. Svoja mane i vrline znamo , ali da su Albanci poludivlja plemena , sa zakonima krvne osvete stoji i bas me zanima kako ce napraviti tu svoju `drzavu` kad ni Albaniju nisu uspeli da nacine normalnom zemljom za 100 njak godina koliko postoje.

Sa ovakvim stavom niakda nece doci do pomirenja Srba i Albanaca...
Pa zar treba da se mirimo sa siptarima? :batina

Vampire 666

A kako ti zamisljas da KiM ostane u satavu Srbije?


Drzimo se onoga sto je dato u prvom postu sa eventualnim argumentovanim potvrdama ili negiranjima datim u nabrojanim tezama.