METAL ili Elektricha gitara je bog!

Started by Vampire 666, 18-05-2006, 11:13:16

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Korisnicko Ime

D, mozda smo te likove slusali prosle godine u Filozofu!?
Ako su ti ljudi u pitanju, onda prze pa rasturaju


Likovi ladno imaju i zvanicni sajt...ja mislila, nema teorije, ali reko ajde da proverim...

Svirali su u Filozofu u okviru Demo masters turnira...


Jokete, Ki, nisu to oni, oni su klinci a ovi su old folks... A sedeo sam sa onim klincem ¹to smo bili na njegovoj svirci, sviraju 23.u Domu Omladine, sa Consecration-om, pa ako ste raspolo¾eni...


Vampire 666

kupih juce kartu za IRON MAIDEN...sad mogu mirno da spavam...neko vreme..


Kopajuci nesto po kompu, nadjoh ovo... svojevremeno sam umirala od smeha citajuci... pa reko ajde da postujem :> :>
Dakle, kome nesto nije bilo jasno oko metal zanrova (kao meni), ovo SVE razjasnjava :K :K

HEAVY METAL: The protagonist arrives on a Harley Davidson, kills the dragon, drinks some beers and fucks the princess

GRIND METAL: The protagonist arrives, screams something completely undecipherable for about 2 minutes and then leaves...

POWER METAL: The protagonist arrives riding a white unicorn, escapes from the dragon, saves the princess and they make love in an enchanted forest

THRASH METAL: The protagonist arrives, fights the dragon, saves the princes and fucks her....... easy and quick

FOLK METAL: The protagonist arrives with some friends playing accordions, violins, flutes and many more weird instruments, the dragon falls asleep (from all the dancing) protagonist leaves without the princess

VIKING METAL: The protagonist arrives in a ship, kills the dragon with his migthy axe, cooks and eats it, rapes the princess to death, steals the castle and burns the place before he leaves

DEATH METAL: The protagonist arrives, kills the dragon, fucks the princess and kills her, then leaves

BLACK METAL: The protagonist arrives at midnight, kills the dragon and impales it in the front of the castle.....then sodomizes the princess, drinks her blood in a ritual before killing her.....then he impales the deflowered princess

GORE METAL: The protagonist arrives, kills the dragon and spreads his guts in the front of the castle, fucks the princess and kills her....then he fucks again her dead body, slashes her belly open and eats her guts, fucks the carcass for the third time, burns the corpse and fucks it for the last time

DOOM METAL: The protagonist arrives, sees the size of the dragon and thinks that he never could beat him, gets depressed and commits suicide....the dragon eats his body and the princess as well

PROGRESSIVE METAL: The protagonist arrives with a guitar and plays a solo for 26 minutes, the dragon kills himself out of boredom, the protagonist arrives to the princess' bedroom, plays another solo with all the techniques learned in the last year of the conservatory...
the princess escapes, and is now looking for the "HEAVY METAL"

GLAM METAL: The protagonist arrives, the dragon laughs at the guy's appearance and lets him enter, he steals the princess' make-up and tries to paint the castle in a beautiful pink color

INDUSTRIAL METAL: The protagonist arrives wearing greasy overcoat, makes an obscene gestures towards dragon, and gets escorted out of fairy tale land by security guards.

:lol3: :lol3:


hahahahhaahaahha, gore, doom i progressive su mi najjaèi, hahahhahaha


Karta za Maiden-e odavno kupljena, samo jo¹ da kupim kartu za Saxon I Kamelot i moæi æu i ja mirno da spavam, a i za Kreator i Moonspell i tako jo¹ pone¹to... joj nikad neæu imati para samo zbog koncerata... ali nema veze... VREDI  :djavo

Vampire 666

Saxon 1500...gosti na koncertu ce im biti bi trebalo propustiti...


nasty girl

e ovako...

znaci bilo je znam sta da kazem...

predgrupe su bili neki likovi koje ne znam kako se zovu i nisu bili losi, bas su mi licila na HammerFall, a druga predgrupa je Krokus (preslikan AC/DC)...

prva pesma kojom su poceli nastup je bila treshold. pored te pesme svirali su jos jednu pesmu sa novog albuma - Rebel Inside i ostale sve pesme su bile stare.. kao na pr. renegade, glory to the brave, HammerFall, Legacy of kings,Riders Of The Storm  i dr, takodje je su bila i dva tri instrumentala.

dva puta su izasli na bis i poslednja pesma koju su svirali je Hearts On Fire.

inace Oscar je car...lik je dobio takve ovacije....

bilo je i par scenskih trikova...oskar je uzeo gitaru iz nju zakacio baklju i krenuo da svira i da vrti gitaru...

koncert je poceo na vreme u 21 h, a zavrsio se oko 12:45..

znaci bilo je extra...i atmosfera je bila stvarno fenomenalna...

:Bog :Bog :Bog :Bog :Bog :Bog


nasty girl

iskreno da ti kazem i meni bi bas bilo zao da sam propustila ovaj koncert... :wink:


Quote from: Darker on 20-02-2007, 11:28:12
E jbt, sad mi ¾ao...

I meni :(
Ali ne mogu na svaki koncert, pa onda bi da odem samo na one koje bas obozavam...ali bas ti nikako da dodju... :ohwell:


Meni nije ¾ao  :>

ali D kako propusti Therion, ja sam vi¹e i¹la zbog Grave Digger-a ali ovi ljudi ubi¹e...