Study programme master of pharmacy-medical biochemist

Started by Bred, 06-10-2006, 14:53:05

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The Mission of Education Medical Biochemists
The Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade has a specific role in education medical biochemists
profile consisted in qualifying students as professionals for working in clinical laboratories.
Medical biochemistry studies provides students to acquire knowledge and skills required for
laboratory work, as well as applying and significance of laboratory analyses for diagnosing,
monitoring and disease prognosis.
Faculty has a leading role in graduate, postgraduate and continuous professional, scientific
and ethical education and advancement of biochemists. In the aim of improving biochemists'
knowledge and skills, faculty develops a collaboration with related faculties and health care
practitioners taking part into the realization of research projects.
Knowledge and skills of medical biochemists
In the course of study, medical biochemist acquires appropriate knowledge on laboratory
diagnostics, patient and health care system.
Laboratory diagnostics
Through the studies, medical biochemist is qualifying for working in clinical- biochemical,
toxicological and sanitary laboratory dealing with medical biochemical, toxicological and
sanitary practice.
Human organism
· Knowledge of normal morphological structures (anatomic and histological)
· Knowledge of physiological processes
· Knowledge of biochemical processes
· Basic principles of genetics
· Laboratory research of organic and endocrine functions and hereditary diseases
· Knowledge of etiology, pathology and pathophysiology of diseases
· Classification and epidemiology of diseases
· Knowledge of basic symptoms and clinical picture of patient's disease
· Knowledge of biochemical bases in human diseases
· Knowledge of laboratory diagnostics in various diseases
Study programme
· Knowledge of biochemical and hematological tests' clinical importance in human diseases
· Assesment and interpretation of laboratory test data
Medical biochemical practice in health care
· Knowledge of basic principles in medical biochemical practice and good laboratory
· Knowledge of the significance of active medical biochemists' role in consulting with
other health care practitioners aiming to rational and economical laboratory diagnostics
and choosing relevant analyses and records in diagnostics and treating patients
· Knowledge of rational laboratory diagnostics and applying of diagnostics algorithms
in order to establish a diagnose of a disease and treating that improves patient's life
Health care system
· Main management principles and laboratory systems management
· Health care management
· Knowledge of information technologies and information systems in health care and
medical biochemical practice
· Medical biochemical practice regulation and legislation
· Environment pollution, medical waste handling, labor protection and health care
· Ethical principles in medical biochemical practice
In the course of education, a student is expected to acquire knowledge on:
· Biochemical constituents concentration in body fluids
· Physical-chemical, immunochemical and other analytical techniques for determining
biochemical parameters and instruments
· Metabolism disorders of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, water and electrolytes
· Laboratory examinations of organs function
· Biochemical changes occuring through various diseases
· Making decision on appropriate tests for diagnosing, monitoring and diseases prognosis
· Interpretation of obtained results
· Role of biochemical laboratory in diagnostics
· Toxical substances (chemical structure of poison, toxicological significance, activity
mechanism, toxicokinetics, toxical effects, poisoning therapy, qualitative and quantitative
analysis in relevant materials, legislation)
· Testing quality and safety of foods, drinking wates and general usage objects; work
organization in sanitary chemistry laboratory; analytical techniques applied in sanitary
chemistry; interpretation of obtained results using appropriate regulations
· Role of toxicological laboratory in poisoning diagnostics, therapy optimization and
quality control of the environment
In the course of study, a student is expected to acquire abilities and skills for:
· Laboratory work
· Quality control that assures continuous process of checking and assesment measuring
values to obtain reliable result and medicinally relevant information
· Handling with instruments and equipments
· Protection of laboratory staff and safe handling with chemicals and biological materials
as well as pharmaceutical/medicinal waste
· Use of expert literature and internet
· Problem recognition and solving
· Invidual and team work (in laboratory and in collaboration with other health specializations)
· Decision-making
Knowledge and skills are acquired through various learning methods:
· lectures
· interactive lectures
· practice
· workshopes
· seminar papers
· analysis of cases from practice
· problem-based learning
· patient-directed learning
· panel discussions
· participation in research and development projects
Fields of study and their quota
Group I - Chemistry field (20,2%)
Group II - Physics and mathemarics field (5,3%)
Group III - Biological sciences field (5,8%)
Group IV - Medical biochemistry, toxicology and bromatology field (42,0%)
Group V - Medicine and pharmacology field (22,7%)
Group VI - Social pharmacy and legislation field (4%)