Started by 3OPAH, 29-04-2007, 22:58:33

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CEEPUS je srednjeevropski regionalni program za razmenu studenata i profesora i deluje od marta 1995 godine. Cilj programa je povecanje regionalne mobilnosti studenata i profesora. U CEEPUS program su ukljucene visokoskolske institucije iz sledecih drzava: Albanije, Austrije, Bugarske, Ceske, Crne Gore, Hrvatske, Madzarske, Makedonije, Poljske, Rumunije, Slovacke, Slovenije i Srbije.

CEEPUS deluje na osnovi mreza (Networks), koje kreiraju pojedinacni univerziteti, fakultete ili njihovi odseci. Takozvane „mreze” moraju sastavljati najmanje tri partnerska univerziteta/fakulteta/odseka, od kojih su barem dva iz razlicitih drzava. Jedna od tih institucija je koordinator mreze. Mreza kao celina konkurise za odredjen broj meseci razmene, koje moze da nameni za gostovanje tudjih studenata i profesora u skladu sa potvrdjenim predlogom o programu razmene.
Stipendiju dodeljuje gostujuca drzava. Kandidati mogu da konkurisu za stipendiju samo unutar mreze u kojoj je ukljucena njihova institucija.

Mreza u programu CEEPUS za akademsku godinu 2006/07: CII-HR-OO45-01-0607;
New technologies in undergraduate and postgraduate education of medical biochemistry
(koordinatorica: prof. dr. Dubravka Juretiæ, Univerzitet u Zagrebu, Fakultet za farmaciju i biokemiju)

University of  Zagreb
Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry
Dept. of Medical Biochem. and Hematology

Univerity of Rijeka
Faculty of Medicine
Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Charles University in Prague
First Medical Faculty
Dept. of Clinical Biochemistry

Pecs University -Hungary
Faculty of General Medicine
Dept. of clinical chemisty

Karl-Franz-University of Graz
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Dept. of pharmacognosy

Transilvania University of Brasov
Faculty of Medicine

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Faculty of Pharmacy


Razmene u CEEPUS programu su obicno duge jedan ili dva meseca (maksimum je tri meseca) ali i to je bolje nego nista, zar ne?!?


Koliko vidim ova mreza nama iz Bg nista ne znaci? Ili gresim?


Zorane napisi nam da li i mi iz Srbije mozemo da se ukljucimo i kome da se obratimo?


U razmeni ucestvuju samo fakulteti ukljuceni u pomenutoj mrezi.

Topik je bio postavljen sa namerom promocije ovog programa, a "na vama" je da se istom i prikljucite...

...ako postoje interesi, naravno.


Evo i zvanicnog sajta:

Mreza za skolsku godinu 2006/2007

Mreza za skolsku godinu 2007/2008 je vec odobrena, no nije jos zvanicno objavljena na sajtu. Rok za prijavu mreze bio je 15. januar 2007.

Rok za prijavu mreze je obicno negde sredinom januara.
Znaci deadline za akademsku godinu 2008/2009 bice sredinom januara 2008 godine, ako bude po obicaju, naravno.

Srbija je clanica CEEPUSA od 2005 godine.

Olivera Popovic
Ministry of Education and Sports
Nemanjina 22-26, S-11000 Belgrade
Phone: +381/11/36 16 527
Fax: +381/11/3616547
e-mail: [email protected]
WEB: mps.sr.gov.yu


Quote from: 3OPAH on 11-05-2007, 19:34:34
Mreza za skolsku godinu 2007/2008 je vec odobrena, no nije jos zvanicno objavljena na sajtu. Rok za prijavu mreze bio je 15. januar 2007.

Prijavljuju se fakulteti, da ne bude zabune. ;)


U mrezi za skolsku godinu 2007/2008 ucestvuje 13 instituta iz 8 zemalja srednje, istocne i jugoistocne evrope.

1. University of Graz
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Pharmacognosy

2. Graz University of Technology   
Institution: Institute of Biochemistry

3. Medical University - Sofia
University: Medical University - Sofia
Institution: Cair of Clinical Laboratory and Clinical imunology

4. University of Zagreb
Institution: Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Hematology

5. University of Rijeka
Institution: School of Medicine

6. Charles University in Prague   
Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Biochemical Sciences

7. Institution: Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics, First Medical Faculty

8. University of Szeged   
Institution: Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Biochemistry

9. University of Pécs   
Institution: Faculty of General Medicine, Institute of Laboratory Medicine

10. Medical University of Warsaw   
Institution: Chair & Department of Biochemistry

Faculty of Medicine

12. University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Clinical Biochemistry

13. University of Ljubljana
Institution: Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Biochemistry

Program New technologies in undergraduate and postgraduate education of medical biochemists is composed to educate a medical biochemist (clinical biochemist) that should reach an understanding of the biochemical and physiological principles involved in health and disease. Students achieve the level of technical competence sufficient to make choices of equipment and methods, and subsequently maintain an analytical service appropriate to the clinical need.
Aim of the study is to enable the medical biochemist to offer advice to the clinician on the choice of tests and interpretation of results as well as to develop programs for problem solving, technique development and collaborative clinical research.
At the present time, the university education of various professions in health care also points to the need of making students of medicine, medical biochemistry, pharmacy, sanitary engineering and dental medicine used to collaboration during the study and to sharing responsibility on making decision on diagnostic procedures, equipment and methods, administration and monitoring of therapy, all this to the patient benefit.
Central European Exchange Program of University Studies could be the way toward rapid coordination among all European standards and a convergence of teaching programs which should contribute to greater uniformity of University education of medical biochemists (clinical biochemists). CEEPUS program also make a posibility during the study period to realize idea on sharing responsibility among biomedical professions on the patient benefit.

Nadam se, da ce u narednim godinama mreza imati jos vise clanova.