
Started by Bred, 25-07-2006, 20:08:51

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Welcome to forum for students of School of Pharmacy in Belgrade, Serbia. Within just 2 months from moving to a new server, we count approximately 750 (registered) users, 11000 posts and 900 topics. That is a result of our hard work in publishing exam questions and question combinations, notes from different classes and (official) slideshows/presentations (pps) used in lectures by our teachers/professors. Some teachers are members of our web community, and they give their contribution to the development of this forum by answering students' questions first hand, and in that way this forum serves us as a form of electronic consultations.

Apart from subjects regarding studying, there are parts of our forum for chitchat, for commenting on places to go out to, clubs, parties, concerts, and wide range of other cultural events...

We keep an eye on important scientific events worldwide, and inform our members about it.

There is a (sub) forum that deals with students' organizing, problems of studies in our country and students exchange program...
You are all welcome to join us and we'd be glad if you took action in posting and exchanging your opinions with us.

If you have pharmaceutical or students' site , feel free to contact us for banner or link exchange on email marketingforuma[et]gmail.com. Your site must have Google PageRank at least 2. We don't cooperate with affiliate sites.

cheers ;)


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