
Started by Jolie, 01-01-2007, 23:15:44

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Nisam znala gde da postavim temu, niti koga da pitam i palo mi je napamet da se registrujem, u nadi da cete mi vi pomoci. Elem, ja pisem nesto za faks (bavim se dramaturgijom), i potrebne su mi izvesne informacije o arseniku, narocito njegovo dejstvo. Sta se desava od momenta kad neko unese arsenik u telo? Takodje, kad se kupuje, u kakvim ambalazama se isporucuje, da ne lupim nesto tipa, arsenik u tegli i slicno. kako se otkriva prilikom obdukcije? dakle, sve o tome. Ja se zaista nadam da sam na pravome mestu. 


Jesi, nadam se da ce neko od kolega prekopirati predavanje iz toksina koje se odnosi na arsenik. :)


Arsenik ili ti miĀ¹omor... :wink:


@ Bred

Hvala puno, i ja se nadam. :)


...samo se ti nadaj,ja zickam predavanja da kopiram na 2 sata,a oni ne daju..jer vraticu im kopiju a ne original..kako kazu


imas u racunarskom centru sva predavanja iz toksina. kraj offtopika, devojka ceka odgovor.


jolie, evo sta sam nasao u farmakopeji za arsen (III) oksid


ovo je na engleskom,
nadam se da neces imati problema sa prevodom!


"Symptoms of arsenic poisoning begin with headaches, confusion and drowsiness. As the poisoning develops, convulsions and changes in fingernail pigmentation may occur. When the poisoning becomes acute, symptoms may include diarrhea, vomiting, blood in the urine, cramping muscles, hair loss, stomach pain, and more convulsions. The organs of the body that are usually affected by arsenic poisoning are the lungs, skin, kidneys, and liver. The final result of arsenic poisoning is coma or death."

Vise na  Essortment  (


"What happens if you are poisoned?

A person exposed to large amounts of arsenic - either through eating or drinking it - will usually die, and symptoms will appear within 30 minutes of exposure.
There is a similar outlook for people who breathe large amounts of it, although the onset of symptoms may be delayed as the concentration is likely to be lower.
Physical contact with arsenic can cause, initially, the skin to thicken and, with prolonged contact, blood flow to the heart to become decreased.

What are the symptoms?

The first sensations include a metallic taste in the mouth, excessive saliva production and problems swallowing.
The next stage is to suffer vomiting and diarrhoea coupled with garlic-like breath, stomach cramps and excessive sweating.
As the poison's effects progress, the patient will suffer seizures and go into shock, dying within a few hours. If death does not occur at this stage, it will happen a few days when the kidney fails.

Vise na BBCNews (

Takodje imas jedan opis i na  Look smart (, u donjem delu teksta, ali je slican gore opisanom.


I dodatak: toksikoloski profil  ATSDR (

Nadam se da sam ti pomogla,
isto koliko se nadam da je sve ovo za neku predstavu/igrokaz  :wink:

Pozdrav Jolie